TV Guide
No I'm not going to start listing everything I watch on TV. That would take forever.
I just wanted to share that James Marsters, ie Spike, is going to appear on Rove Live next week. So Tuesday at 9.30pm on Ten.
Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.
No I'm not going to start listing everything I watch on TV. That would take forever.
I'm getting a little behind with my TV blabs. Maybe that's a good thing...
After posting last night I headed to bed with my usual intention to read for a bit. This I did and was quite comfortable and content. That was until I got to the point Fool's Fate where the whole story turned and began to unravel. When this happens I know that I'm in for the long haul. Not much chance of sleeping before the sun rises. It happens only occasionally. Mostly with the last book of a series.
I couldn't help it. Go and play the Eats, Shoots and Leaves Punctuation Game.
Am still making my way through Robin Hobb's Fools Fate. I am enjoying it immensely. The down side of this is I'm not interested in reading the other books I've got on the side right now.
I was chatting with a friend the other night and she mentioned that the new boy she fancied was an engineer. I was shocked. Horrified even. She is an artist, it is only natural for her to dislike engineers. I'm not saying that engineers are bad people or anything like that. Just that I've noticed, most clearly at uni, that engineering and arts don't mix. She didn't understand and the only thing I could come up with to explain it was:
I discovered this while looking through Bell Shakespeare's site.
This is my favourite Shakespeare play. It's mystical, comical and a lot of fun. It also has one of the funniest scenes ever written, the Mechanicals play.
On a whim I went to see this. I had planned to, but wasn't in a great hurry to do so. I felt a bit hyped out.
I'm addicted to merchandise. I love all the cool things promoters come up with to flog a product. The coolest that I've found recently is Buffy Palz. They are Buffy figurines, but they are Buffy figurines that are Lego! How cool!
I've not felt a want to write diary type posts and am unlikely to adopt that style of blog. To break that now I just felt a need to share a good day. Not outstanding or truely memorable, just a day that makes life worth living.
Connor. At first not someone I was too happy to see again. Of course he'd be all different with his new memories but that didn't mean I had to like him. I felt that nearly everything I felt was wrong with the show in the past season was linked to Connor.
A major part of life, I have discovered, is learning how to let something go. Normally this is connected with relationships, people, life, places and experiences, not books, television shows and movies. Yet it seems more common that these three things are something people are having trouble letting go of.
Here I am about to head to bed when I discover that EA Games is intent on claiming my hard earned money. I have just found a Lord of the Rings game to be released later this year.
In the spirit of my 'birthday' party, my family gave me Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (POA) the game for my Xbox. Yay! This is part of the reason I've not posted for a few days. I spent most of yesterday staring at the TV rather than my laptop screen.
For the past 2 months there has been a plot afoot. One of a devious and calculating nature involving secret phone calls, disguised text messages and, I'm sure, a few covert emails all striving for one thing...
It looks like the Buffy toon is more likely. Scifi Wire in briefs a TV Guide article stating that Gellar will not voice Buffy (Surprised? Not.), leaving the space open for Giselle Loren who has done a convincing job in the two games. The Pilot episode will be shown to distributors next month. See here.
This is ridiculous. I live in a mostly tropical environment. Yes we have cold winters but I'm so very over it already. It's been rather cold for a couple of days now and it's time for it to warm up again. The prediction for tonight's low was 7 degrees Celsius. Well it's 1am and it's 7 degrees now!
I've been on a long post blitz recently. It's a secret mission of mine to get my word count right up. Not really, I've just had lots to say. Not particularly concerned if no one wants to read it.
It's been a bit since I've mentioned my current book. So long in fact that I've moved onto a new one.
I promised myself that my Potter blab would be less than 1000 words. I managed 1084. The problem is I want to write more.
Being the third film based on the world-famous books you have a certain expectation about what the film should be like. You have two hugely successful films to base your expectation on. My advice. Don’t expect the same from this film. Don’t watch the first two right before you see this film.
I'm going to see Prisoner of Azkaban on Monday again, so I'll wait till after then surmise my thoughts.
Finally a new show that deserves our attention. Pilot episodes tend to be chunky and clunky, re: Jake 2.0, but Tru Calling was sleek and simmering.
Now that we are well into recovery from the loss of Fred, it still is heartbreaking to see her again. I hope that the "Wesley has a dream of Fred" doesn't occur every week. Illyria is it now and we need to learn a little more about her/it. With only 5 episodes to go, there's not a lot of time, so revealing one fact a week isn't going to get us far.
I saw it! Yay!
I have now been home for 5 days straight. Doesn’t happen very often, but it’s a symptom of what I do. So to fill the time I’ve been keeping busy doing the domestic thing, reading, blogging and a lot of couch time. As is my want, I watch batches of Buffy dvd’s. I start at the beginning of a season and whenever I get the chance I watch an ep. I discovered that I hadn’t listened to any of the commentaries for the second half of season 6.
While surfing for articles bout Harry, I discovered this gem.
Well. Well. Well.
As I still hadn't quite come to grips with Fred being gone, the first time I watched this ep I felt kinda uncomforatble. Not willing to accept that Fred was gone gone. To watch each of the charaters also fight with this notion seemed to fit perfectly.
After doing a little research, I found out that Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban will have an M15+ rating. I've not been able to find the details why, but I caught the end of the 'Making of' on Sunday and if the sequences they showed for that are any indication of the whole film, it may actually be quite scary.
Last night Internet Explorer seemed to be having a spat at me, it wouldn't let me post here. Every time I clicked the publish button I would get a page saying that it couldn't be loaded and that I needed to shove my head in an oven. Well the first parts true.
Humans are the strangest creatures. Or maybe it's just me.
Tru Calling
I've been meaning to write about this film since I saw it last week.
Having finished Abhorsen I was faced with the unending dilemma of what to read next. Thankfully it wasn't a tough decision. I have about 20 Buffy and Angel novels that are unread. This weeks choice: Angel 'The Longest Night vol. 1'.
I enjoy a fun quizzes quite a bit, but I find it disturbing how bizarre some of the results can be.
It’s only 8 days away and I’m very excited about it. Yes Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is coming. June 10th is the day. Tickets for it are on sale at my local cinema, although I’m unlikely to get that excited over it.
I'll start with a small disclaimer. I wasn't looking forward to seeing this film at all.