Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.

Tuesday, June 29

The Great Divide

I was chatting with a friend the other night and she mentioned that the new boy she fancied was an engineer. I was shocked. Horrified even. She is an artist, it is only natural for her to dislike engineers. I'm not saying that engineers are bad people or anything like that. Just that I've noticed, most clearly at uni, that engineering and arts don't mix. She didn't understand and the only thing I could come up with to explain it was:

Engineering and arts. A division that started when the first ape picked up a stick. One said ‘lean it here to help us climb’, another said ‘bring it here so I can gesture wildly with it.’

And ever since there's been friction.

Thankfully this new boy seems a good pick.

1 viewers interjected with:

Blogger Draic said...

Hey, my mother parents are of engineering and arts, didn't you know? Although I guess Mum is artist by hobby, rather than career. Librarians don't have to be terribly artistic.

12/7/04 12:12 am


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