Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.

Sunday, November 14


I'm The Mists of Avalon!
by Marion Zimmer Bradley

I'm obsessed with Camelot in all its forms, from Arthurian legend to the Kennedy administration. My favorite movie from childhood was "The Sword inthe Stone". But more than tales of wizardry and Cuban missiles, I've focused on women. I know that they truly hold all the power. I always wished you could meet Jackie Kennedy.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

2 viewers interjected with:

Blogger MuzeKez said...

I read that book earlier this year. I really enjoyed it. :-) I shan't be sharing my own results from that quiz, however.

15/11/04 8:22 am

Blogger Casyn said...

I've not read it, and probably won't. So I've no idea how bad having it as a book really is. I certainly don't wish to meet Jackie Kennedy. In fact, I don't even know which one she is.

Why won't you share? How bad can it be? Email it too me! :-)

15/11/04 11:40 pm


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