They've Escaped!
Yes, it is that time of year again. Time when those who have the choice stay off the roads, stay out of shopping centres and avoid public areas in general (well, more than normal anyway).
The school holidays are here.
I know it is unreasonable to grumble about school holidays to the extent that I do, I also know that it is rather hypocritical. I don't care. They are horrible. The things that I enjoy doing during the day because there's hardly anyone else around are ruined by the flood of hormone-driven, audibly-assaulting teens and pre-teens.
I just mentioned in a comment that I want to see a film tomorrow. Then the thought hit me that no matter what I see it will be interrupted and potentially ruined by giggling chatterboxes who text at the speed of light. Shopping will be hampered by having to park miles away to avoid being smashed into by an on-the-edge parent about to crack, and the shops themselves will overcrowded by small people not yet aware of the benefit of personal hygiene.
I won't go on as I'm already likely to receive a stern email from certain Teacher friends of mine who, for obvious reasons, love school holidays. My solution is to have subs come in for the weeks that teachers have off and leave the kids there!
Bah Humbug!
5 viewers interjected with:
you're forgetting those of us who enjoy a quieter work period because the teachers are on holidays ;)
and you sound like my sister, wanting the whole cinema for yaself. watch some dvds, you'll make it through :) or go gold class ... I'm told that's the solution. No kids in there.
23/9/04 11:09 pm
Ya, I know it's a two-way street thing. Don't be counteracting my rant with logic! :-)
I enjoy empty cinemas, but I like having a reasonable crowd for most movies. I just don't enjoy the distracting type of audience that gravitate there during the hols. There's no Gold Class cinemas within a few hundred kilometres of this town. Tis a bugger, I probably use them frequently too!
23/9/04 11:21 pm
Yes, well I'd like the holidays a whole heap more if the kiddies would just stay home also. Thus, no stern emails from me.
However, I know a comfy couch in a quiet lounge, far from the madding crowds, where dvds are shown...
23/9/04 11:55 pm
Blech, I hate school holidays too. Even more I hate the fact that my one week uni break coincides with week two of the school holidays. Why must I share my time off with all the wee brats on the loose? Boo!
I agree that kids should stay in school all year long. As for the teachers, I would propose they all job-share: two weeks on, two weeks off, or something like that.
24/9/04 5:04 pm
I thought it was silly to match up uni hols with school, but we don't have a choice usually.
I think Pickwick may like the idea of 2-on-2-off. :-)
24/9/04 11:48 pm
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