Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.

Tuesday, September 14

Where I find me

I am a habitual self searcher. What does that mean? I put in my name, my alias, and my blogs' name in search engines to see what I find. I always hope that if I put 'Slayer Library' through a search, I'll be the first. In Google I am. The first four actually. If I seach for 'slayer' alone, my first appearance is link 274 on page 28 (I just kept clicking till I found me).

Anyway, I am also a habitual referrer watcher. I like to see where people come from to visit my blog. This has resulted in a number of laughing sessions when I find people who visited here from search for pictures of an older actresses' chest (I know if I write the words again, I'm only going to get more hits).

It was while I was referrer watching today that I discovered that a Library Blogsource had listed my site in one of their May posts because I have the word Library in my title. I'm fascinated that there is a blog that lists all sites that refer to libraries. Most of the other sites were library related, which makes me feel a bit out of place having the title I do. A little self doubt is good. I think.


An odd quiz, but worth taking cause I say so. :-)
You have to fill out your personals ad, and it spits out results. Fun! I've spent a bit of time tonight doing the other quizzes as well, interesting.

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