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Thursday, September 9

Paper Cuts - Ilse Witch

One down, two to go. The first part of The Voyage of the Jerle Shannara was the most I have enjoyed a Terry Brooks book since reading 'The Word and The Void'.

As I wrote when I began it, I regret starting it immediately after finishing The Da Vinci Code. It was a big shift in pace that I wasn't ready for, but I adjusted quickly enough to enjoy where the story was heading.

I think I enjoyed Ilse Witch more than the other Shannara books I've read because it is about venturing into the unknown rather than searching the 'lands' for historical thingies that will save them from the current evils. Adventure and discovery will get me every time.

I really like the concept of the flying ships being actual ships, rather than some plane adaptation.

I'm a bit stumped at what to say about it really. It's a good fantasy, but not overly entrenched in lore or bizarre creatures, they come and go, but the story is about the people. I'm eager to start Antrax tonight.

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