With the announcement of the Federal Election on the weekend, I thought it timely that I reveal my new political allegiance. I have become a founding member of the Australian Nature Troupe (ANT). We, obviously, have a strong environmental stand.
Things are a little rushed here at ANT central (or the Hill as we prefer to call it). We want to hold a large public gathering to let people know what we are on about. It was left to me to devise a title for this event. I thought a pertinent issue would be Public Incentives Concerning Nation's Identity Crisis (PICNIC). So at this PICNIC rally a strong public speaker is needed to inspire citizens to join up with our cause. The obvious choice has to be renowned local traveller Barry U. Guber.
When details of time and place are known, I will surely announce them here.
Perhaps a nice park.
(This is what happens when I allow my mind to wander at 2am)
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