Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.

Thursday, July 22

DVD Goodies

Ezydvd are having a sale in October. They are selling all current seasons of Buffy and Angel at $59 for a complete season. I don't have Buffy s7 or Angel s4 on DVD yet, so I thing this is my opportunity to get them cheap.  The catch is that they are in one case rather than three. I'm ok with that.

I have been fortunate with the DVD's I have. For the 17 packs I have, I think they cost me less than $50 per pack.

Wow, that's the first time I've thought of them as a whole. That's a lot of money...

They are worth it.

3 viewers interjected with:

Blogger MuzeKez said...

That is a great price, but I wonder who decided to change the presentation of discs? I'll just cross my fingers that some places will drop the prices of the regular box sets. If memory serves, it was around October last year that most places had Buffy and Angel DVDs super cheap. I stocked up. :-)

22/7/04 3:45 pm

Blogger MuzeKez said...

Uhoh, I'm replying to my own reply!

Just thought I'd pass on the word, if you have a K-Mart nearby you might like to check out their prices on Buffy and Angel DVDs. We received a catalogue about a sale (starting tomorrow) which mentioned select boxsets (features pictures of the latest seasons) on sale for $34.99 a pop.

Don't know whether sales are statewide or nationwide or what, but might be worth looking into!

28/7/04 7:47 pm

Blogger Casyn said...

How fortuitous! I'm going shopping tomorrow. I will certainly be checking out K-Mart. They better be well stocked.

Thanks for the tip :-)

I will certainly report my findings.

28/7/04 10:48 pm


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