Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.

Sunday, October 17

All Men Are Liars

This film was on in the wee hours of this morning on Nine. I hit record on the VCR and went to bed, intending to view today. What a bizarre, yet interesting, Aussie film. Set in a small country town, Mick is the son of the town's barber and local musician. His parents are having marital issues, Dad sold Mum's piano for $120, and Mum has moved into the pub. So in an effort to coax his Mum back he poses as a woman to join an all girl band.

Not the most original of concepts and not a very complex plot, but what I really liked about it is the isolated feel the whole film has. Mick obviously has no friends; his younger brother barely tolerates him and his father thinks he's a 'homosexual'. So when he joins the band posing as a woman, of course he becomes friends with the girl he's attracted to.

Quaint and quirky without the insanity of similar Australian films of this nature (Welcome to Whoop Whoop anyone?). All Men Are Lairs is sure to strike a chord with the women folk and be entertaining for the men folk.

2 viewers interjected with:

Blogger Hugh said...

Myself and some others just happened to be talking about this film last night, whilst throwing things at the TV during "Australia's Funniest (sic) Home Videos"...the host of which was the lead female role in All Men Are Liars.

17/10/04 8:08 pm

Blogger Casyn said...

I'm not sure whether Toni Pearen has made good or bad career choices since Liars. Funniest Home Vids is certainly a low point.

17/10/04 10:57 pm


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