Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.

Monday, August 9

On the code again

I've been a little consumed by other ventures. I have chosen to create a little external site about Firefly, rather than take up a bunch of space here. It also gives me the chance to relearn my abilities with HTML.

I had the idea of completely designing the thing in Photoshop then, with a small bit of cheating with Imageready, do the HTML myself. It's so much easier having the end result right there to refer to. It's probably not an original idea, but it was for me.

I am still adjusting to my new name, but I think I'm going to stick with it.

5 viewers interjected with:

Blogger Ben said...

That sounds like tables and not CSS. *cries*

11/8/04 11:27 pm

Blogger Casyn said...

Ya, tables. I stick to the basics, because that's what I know. I use CSS in formatting text and all, but I start to go cross-eyed when doing layouts.

The template for this blog scares me, because I know if I change something by accident, chances are it's gone for good.

That's why I keep a copy on my computer that I update regularly.

But yeah. CSS not my strongest skill.

11/8/04 11:34 pm

Blogger MuzeKez said...

Hmm, Ben emailed me a link direct to this post.. I think perhaps on the need for an intervention! Say it with us now: "tables bad, css good!" ;-)

The w3schools website has a good CSS Tutorial if you're interested in furthering your CSS knowledge and skill. It's much easier to pick up than it seems at first, and it has some great advantages.

"tables bad, css good!"

12/8/04 12:59 pm

Blogger Ben said...

tables, boogie booogie oogie wooogie!

ah, I suppose it doesn't really matter if ya happy. personally I find the tables confusing now, css is much easier to deal with :) Certainly makes the HTML nice and easy!!!

12/8/04 9:35 pm

Blogger Casyn said...

Thankyou for your subtle nudging towards CSS.

I have been to th css tutorial site before and used it is a reference. Perhaps I will revisit it in more depth. I'll also reread those chapters in my html book.

I think I'll continue with tables for now, and I'll cut my teeth on more serious css when I redo all the old buffy and angel stuff from my old site. I can always go back and improve when I get a good hold on css.

13/8/04 12:00 am


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