Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.

Sunday, July 17

I Crumbled

Couldn't help it.

I was planning on holding out.

I was going to wait till I finished book five.

I wasn't even going to look for it.

Then I saw it.


And it was mine.

Unlike some, I will wait till I'm finished book five to start Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

4 viewers interjected with:

Blogger Draic said...

Yeah, honestly, some people have no willpower. Morons.

17/7/05 12:35 am

Blogger Onanymous said...

I'm about halfway through, and it's really good so far!

18/7/05 12:33 am

Blogger MuzeKez said...

Arrrgh! How can you wait? It's too hard, as an internet user, to avoid spoilers for long, particularly when there are idiots around who jumped to the end of the book and posted a massive spoiler on a completely unrelated msgboard first thing Saturday morning. Pooh! :(

I finished the book yesterday to avoid any more spoiler annoyances!

And what do you mean until you read book 5? You mean re-read right? Surely you've read book 5 at least once by now! :)

19/7/05 2:15 pm

Blogger Casyn said...

Am very jealous that people have already finished it!

I have the willpower to finish the 5th book. I'm about half way through now, so it won't be too much longer.

I'm quite adept at avoiding spoilers, but am also avoiding reading any sites that are likely to mention plot points rather than news about the book's sales. It's a bugger when spoilers pop out in unexpected places though!

I have read 5, but only once before when it was first released, so it's a little like reading it for the first time, a lot of the events are familiar, but still seem new. I'm enjoying reading it more this time. I was a little annoyed at how angry Harry was the first time around, but I have a better perspective now I think.

I have read the first 3 books a few times each, and the fourth book thrice. The fourth is still my favourite so far.

19/7/05 11:02 pm


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