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Sunday, September 25

It's Gorram Cheap!

Thanks to the wonderful Kirsten for letting me know that JB Hifi have Firefly DVDs in stock! And what makes this news even better is they are only $36.98 at the moment. A steal!

Am wondering whether I need a second set...

3 viewers interjected with:

Blogger MuzeKez said...

A second set for loaning to people in attempts to convert them to the wonder that is Firefly probably wouldn't go astray, I'm thinking..

25/9/05 4:41 pm

Blogger Casyn said...

Yes. I have heard of some who have three copies of the DVDs for precisely that reason.

I saw that JB Hifi online had the DVDs as 'special order', so it's likely that they don't have any in stock.

Kirsten, I'd call around and see whether any of their other stores have them. You never know your luck.

26/9/05 2:07 am

Blogger MuzeKez said...

There's a JB in Chermside?! Where, pray tell. :-)

26/9/05 9:38 am


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