Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.

Saturday, May 14

Rainbow Vomit

I can say that I'm not overly familiar with Bollywood films. I'm familiar with the concepts and am aware of how huge an industry they are, but as I live in isolated-ville I've not been exposed to any mainstream Bollywood films.

So tonight's DVD was a treat. Bride and Prejudice is a comparitively short, Americanised version of a Bollywood film. Directed by Bend It Like Beckham's Gurinder Chadha, Bride is a fanfare of love, family and above all else singing and dancing!

I rather enjoyed this trip down innocence lane. The colours were dazzling. The music was energetic. The extras were excited. The love was pure very G rated.

The best way to enjoy this film is to have fun with it and laugh.

It's good for you.

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