Tv blabs, movie blabs, book blabs. Lots of blab, but no flab.

Wednesday, July 7

Roving with Spike

Last night, as some may already know, James Marsters was on Rove. An opportunity for we of the Southern hemisphere to see him sans Spike.

It was an interesting 5 minutes, not from anything the Rove asked but watching the James the person. Boy does he fidget. I am known for my inability to sit still and accept it in others, but he was bouncing around like a child on red cordial. He claims to have been nervous. That may account for hiding his mouth and having a very itchy chin, but I suspect that it was the serious nicotine he was absorbing through his arms that had him so restless.

He talked about amazingly interesting things like the phrase 'how you going', his nicotine patch addiction, and being recognised, but that's Rove's forte. He seemed to have an odd regard for Australians. I think it is a good opinion of us, but he also seemed like he might be a little scared of us. Which is strange. Admittedly I don't think we get star struck a lot, perhaps that is why. He feels he has to prove himself. I think that's a good thing.

The really interesting part of the interview, of course, was when he divulged a bit of goss about the future of Whedon-world. He's agreed to do a Spike TV movie. No details unfortunately only that it depended upon other actors signing on to return to their parts because it will be one of FOUR TV movies. Happy will I be if that happens.

Hopefully it will be three other characters worth my attention. I'll ponder the four I would like.

If you want more details on James' time in Australia go to They have reports from those who attended events.

To see more images click here.

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