Angel - 5.12 "Your Welcome"
What a strange ep.
Opened with alot of blood, then a shock, then didn't really get going very well. It's not that I didn't enjoy it, I think I was expecting alot more because it was the 100th episode.
The fight with Lindsay was very good but ended with a fizzle rather than a pop. Overall the whole Linsday story felt weak. So it's suitable that it ended the same way.
It was great seeing Cordy back and her kickarse attitude was wonderful. Certainly making the regular gang look a little softer with her 'just torture her' tude. Am also thankful that her death was a subtle quiet affair that rounded out her character nicely. I think we've had a few too many epic deaths in the Whedon world.
I was very pleased to hear Gunn complain about not being down with Angel and Cordy hitting things, tis something they all need to do more often.
I can only hope that with the mission back as the focus again the show will start to roll towards it's now unavoidable end.
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